
D'Astous Amélie, Poulin Monique, Aubin Isabelle, Rochefort Line (2013) Using functional diversity as an indicator of restoration success of a cut-over bog. Ecological Engineering 61B: 519-526; (Disponible sur demande à :

Laberge Virginie, Rochefort Line, Poulin Monique (2013) Ericaceae stabilize peat and foster Sphagnum majus establishment at pool margins in restored peatlands. Aquatic Botany 111: 1-8.

González Eduardo, Henstra Steven W., Rochefort Line, Bradfield Gary E., Poulin Monique (2013) Is rewetting enough to recover Sphagnum and associated peat-accumulating species in traditionally exploited bogs? Wetlands Ecology and Management 22: 49-62; doi: 10.1007/s11273-013-9322-6.

Pouliot Rémy, Rochefort Line, Graf Martha Darling (2012) Impacts of oil sands process water on fen plants: Implications for plant selection in required reclamation projects. Environmental Pollution 167: 132-137; doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2012.03.050.

Bourgeois Bérenger, Hugron Sandrine, Poulin Monique (2012) Establishing a moss cover inhibits the germination of Typha latifolia, an invasive species, in restored peatlands. Aquatic Botany 100: 76-79, doi: 10.1016/j.aquabot.2012.03.010.

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Henstra Steven (2012) Vegetation responses to ecological restoration (rewetting) of abandoned block-cut peatlands in eastern Québec. Thèse de M.Sc., Department of Botany, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. 78 p.