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Rochefort Line, Campbell Daniel R., Jutras Sylvain, Lefebvre-Ruel Stéphanie (0) Ecohydrological gradients and their restoration on the periphery of extracted peatlands Restoration Ecology; doi: 10.1111/rec.12914.

Groupe de recherche en écologie des tourbières , Peatland Ecology Research Group (0) PERG Publications Peatland restoration up to 2019

Rochefort Line, Bu Zhao-Jun, Mallik A.U., Asif Talal, Naeem Iqra, Ma J.-Z. (0) Litter mixing effects on decomposition in a peatland partially drained 30 years ago. Wetlands Ecology and Management; DOI: 10.1007/s11273-021-09818-4.