
Peatland Ecology Research Group (2006) Écho tourbières, Vol. 10, no. 4. October 2006.

Peatland Ecology Research Group (2006) Écho tourbières, Vol. 10, no. 5. Décember 2006.

Kennedy Gavin W., Price Jonathan S. (2005) A conceptual model of volume-change controls on the hydrology of cutover peats. Journal of Hydrology 302: 13-27.

Caisse Gabriel (2005) Rehabilitation of cutaway peatlands in Eastern Canada. Canadian Reclamation. Winter/Spring 2005: 9-12.

Ellis Christopher (2005) The changing tundra - Palaecology in the High Arctic. Meridian (Canadian Polar Commission), Fall/Winter: 13-20.

Rochefort Line, Groeneveld Elisabeth V. G. (2005) Polytrichum strictum as a solution to frost heaving in disturbed ecosystems: a case study with milled peatlands. Restoration Ecology 13(1): 74-82.

Kellner Erik, Waddington James Michael, Price Jonathan S. (2005) Dynamics of biogenic gas bubbles in peat: Potential effects on water storage and peat deformation. Water Resources Research 41(8): W08417;

Lachance Daniel, Lavoie Claude, Desrochers André (2005) The impact of peatland afforestation on plant and bird diversity in southeastern Québec. Écoscience 12: 161-171.